They Might Be Giants - Here Come the 123s Archive

While I could never take the place of This Might Be A Wiki, I thought it might be good to put a listing of relevant YouTube, mp3, and newsclippings for They Might Be Giants' new Here Come the 123s CD/DVD due out from Disney Sound on February 5. That way I don't have to constantly post every new item. Even though I probably should, because they're a whole heckuva lot of fun.
Sites of Note:
They Might Be Giants homepage
TMBG download page
Disney's TMBG page
They Might Be Giants on Myspace
Not So Official. But Pretty Useful.
My Here Come the 123s review
All things Here Come the 123s-related found here
All things They Might Be Giants found here
My interview with John Flansburgh
This Might Be A Wiki
Giants Online
Here Come the 123s song listing (with video links and director info)
They Might Be Giants - "Here Come the 123s Theme" (Directed by Feel Good Anyway)
They Might Be Giants - "Zeroes" (Feel Good Anyway, dir.)
They Might Be Giants - "One Everything" (Matthew Canale, dir.)
Edited (for time) versions of the videos are available at Disney's TMBG page. (Though it should be noted that it omits the best parts -- Linnell's non-sequitur aside, the animation on the word "twelve".) You can also (for the time being) listen to "Zeroes" on TMBG's Myspace page.
They Might Be Giants - "Number Two" (with "E Eats Everything") (David Cowles, dir.)
They Might Be Giants - "Triops Has Three Eyes" (David Cowles, dir.)
They Might Be Giants - "Apartment 4" (Upsidedownit LLC, dir.)
They Might Be Giants - "High Five" (Divya Srinivasan, dir.)
They Might Be Giants - "The Secret Life of Six" (Hine Mizushima, dir.)
They Might Be Giants - "The Seven Days of the Week (I Never Go To Work)" (David Cowles, Sean McBride, dir.)
They Might Be Giants - "Figure Eight" (with "LMNO") (The Brothers Chaps, dir.)
They Might Be Giants - "Pirate Girls Nine" (with "Z Y X") (Nina Frenkel, dir.)
They Might Be Giants - "Nine Bowls of Soup" (Pascal Campion, dir.)
They Might Be Giants - "Ten Mississippi" (Chris Tartaro, dir.)
They Might Be Giants - "One Dozen Monkeys" (with "Flying V") (Pascal Campion, dir.)
At the moment, you can also listen to "One Dozen Monkeys" at TMBG's Myspace page.
They Might Be Giants - "813 Mile Car Trip" (with "D is for Drums") (Pascal Campion, dir.)
They Might Be Giants - "Infinity" (no video)
They Might Be Giants - "I Can Add" (David Cowles, Adam Sacks, dir.)
They Might Be Giants - "Nonagon" (with "Rolling O") (Feel Good Anyway, dir.)
They Might Be Giants - "Even Numbers" (with "Letter Shapes") (Colourmovie, Design Studio)
They Might Be Giants - "Ooh La! Ooh La!" (Asterisk, dir.)
Originally called "Double Dutch"
They Might Be Giants - "Heart of the Band"
They Might Be Giants - "Hot Dog!"
They Might Be Giants - "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Theme"
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