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Dan Zanes Doesn't Have A Monopoly on Ukeleles and Family Music

As some of you may remember, I am an owner of a ukelele, a Dan Zanes Flea, to be exact. A year and a half later, I am slightly more proficient, having hauled it out on occasiona for singalongs and hauled it out a lot to play along (and around) with the family.

I might be a lot more proficient if I dived into the large ukelele internet presence (for example, watch Marcy Marxer give a ukelele lesson here).

Anyway, I was glad to have the following Ukelele Evangelist interview with Jack Norton pointed out to me. Jack lived for a brief time in Arizona after moving here from Minnesota, but departed for Tennessee before I had a chance to meet or see him in person. He and his wife Kitty also have a very kids-focused group called the Zinghoppers. He's a busy guy, that Jack; I'm sorry I didn't have a chance to catch up.

Anyway, the article's a nice read, and the video below's his take (from 2005) on "Polly Wolly Doodle." It's less revved-up than Dan Zanes' version, and lacks Sheryl Crow, but I like it anyway.

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