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    Concert Recap: The Terrible Twos (Phoenix, August 2008)

    MattAndEric1.jpgA week after the fact, but I thought I'd share a few pictures and thoughts from the Terrible Twos I helped put on here in Phoenix.

    First, Matt Pryor and his Terrible Twos bassist Eric McCann are, unsurprisingly, really nice guys. That's one of the nice things about this genre -- I have this mental picture of the music scene for adults being rife with ugly personalities, and I just haven't seen that at all in this genre. Anyway, Matt and Eric are down-to-earth guys; some people you know are lawyers, some are teachers, and some happen to write or play music for a living. Matt and Eric are in that last category.
    MattOnGuitar.jpgMatt decided to forgo amplification for the show, and so he and Eric stood in front of the stage. It brought the decently-sized crowd a little closer together, which I think helped a lot later on in the show.
    EricOnBass.jpgI love big bass and I cannot lie. (My son, Little Boy Blue, loved seeing it, too, since he's currently obsessing over my violin and its bow.)
    TheCrowdJumps.jpgFor a while I sat in the middle of the crowd, right behind all the jostling kids. The floorboards in that part of Modified are particularly loose, which meant I was bouncing around quite a bit. This is my favorite photo from the show.
    PizzaAndChocolateMilk.jpgThere's a live video of "Pizza and Chocolate Milk" taken at, I think, an adult show where Pryor cusses out the crowd for not clapping along. I tell you, if there was any song I wish I'd captured on video, it was this one, because the whole crowd was into it, following Pryor's clapping commands on cue ("Double time!").
    MattAndEric2.jpgAbout 50 minutes after it started, the show ended with "Math Stomp." A fun time had by all. Hopefully all the kids slept soundly that night as Pryor promised... Thanks to Matt and Eric for making time for the early show.

    Videos from the show are available here.

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