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    A Thousand Thanks

    A little over 4 years ago, already starting to weary of writing a blog devoted to a team that would go on to lose 111 games that season, I decided to indulge a small interest of mine in kids music (OK, technically speaking, I did it here originally):

    Welcome to Zooglobble! It's my hope that this blog/website will become a reference site for great kids' music that parents can enjoy as well. If you like Ralph's World, Laurie Berkner, Elizabeth Mitchell, and Justin Roberts, among others, stop by on a regular basis for news, reviews, and goodness knows what else. It might take some time, but we'll build this up to something worth your time.

    Thanks in advance for your time and patience.

    It then took me another two months before I wrote another entry. (Patience, no kidding -- I only wrote another 20 posts throughout the next year.)

    Well, I did write that baseball blog for more than another year (turns out writing about a miserable team is pretty easy compared to writing about an average one), but that's nothing, for this is the 1,000th post on Zooglobble.

    A thousand thanks, then to:
    -- the musicians who devote some or all of their working lives to making music and entertainment for and with kids;
    -- the other people in the kids music genre - the publicists and promoters and the like - who are fairly tireless advocates for the genre;
    -- you, dear readers, for reading, commenting, and occasionally sending me nice e-mails; and
    -- my family, for putting up with an interest that sometimes far exceeds theirs.

    I'd like to think that I've accomplished what I set out to do more than 4 years ago and along the way met some pretty cool people.

    Let's see what the next 4 years brings (and, no, I'm not going anywhere)...

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