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Concert Recap: Doug Snyder of the Jellydots (Phoenix, Jan. 2009)

DougSnyderCMOPJan09.jpgSo very pleased was I with main Jellydot Doug Snyder's performance at the Children's Museum of Phoenix this past weekend, the first of several shows I'm helping the Museum put on. (Does that make me a musical curator of sorts?)

A good crowd (split into two parts, for Doug's two sets), a friendly group of kids, and a lovely sun-dappled space perfect for this song. I thought it was so perfect, I even panned the camera at the proper moment...

Doug Snyder (The Jellydots) - "Mr. Gloom"

And there's more...
JellydotsCMOPBoard.jpgDoug ran through both his new and old stuff. We were only able to stay for the first 30-minute set, but looking at his setlists, he had a completely different setlist for the second 30-minute set. Phish would be proud.

I hadn't fully appreciated quite how small his guitar was -- not soprano ukulele sized, but definitely smaller than a lot of guitars I've seen. Sounded great. And Doug does good crowd interaction...

(But next time, I'm having him bring the band.)

I'll have more from Doug next week, but in the meantime, more live videos for your enjoyment...

Doug Snyder (The Jellydots) - "Race Cars Go"

Doug Snyder (The Jellydots) - "San Diego"

Doug Snyder (The Jellydots) - "Captain Sleep"

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