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Lunch Money Blogs Every Bit As Well As They Write Songs

"I highly recommend having an established cookie policy and communicating it to your friends and loved ones."

Would that be before or after I've established my living will and emergency readiness plan, Molly?

Yes, the fine folks at Lunch Money have started up a blog. It's worth visiting just for the picture of Molly behind a cookie larger than her head.

Oh, I'd seen this video before, but could never find it literally on YouTube to embed for you, loyal readers. But check out the big brain on Stefan:

Lunch Money - "Roller Coaster," "Dizzy," "Tiny Dinosaurs" (Live at ImaginOn)

Check out more after the jump!
Lunch Money - "I Want a Dog," "Ate Too Much of My Favorite Food," "Are You A Rabbit?" (Live at ImaginOn)

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