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« KidVid Tournament 2009: The Jimmies vs. The Hipwaders | Main | One Mint Green Bee Wasn't Enough: John Lennon Songwriting Contest 2008 »

KidVid Tournament 2009: Introduction and Brackets

It's that time of year again. The year's best slugging it out against one another -- who will go on a hot streak and win Zooglobble's 3rd annual family music video competition? That's right, it's KidVid Tournament 2009! Over the next 2 weeks, we'll be pitting 16 of the best kids' music videos from the past year or so head-to-head with readers voting to determine their favorite video of the year.

Who picked the videos? Well, me. And only me. They're not exactly my 16 favorites of the year as I've limited each artist to just one video each and omitted live videos. But they're all among my favorites, and take into account the creativity of the video, the originality of the song, and a whole bunch of undefinable variables.

Now, some of you might remember last year's epic semifinal battle between Mr. Richard and the Jimmies, which after 750 or so votes ended up in a tie and had to go to overtime. In hopes of not having to sort through 750 votes, I've decided to set up the actual polls through PollDaddy. So while you should feel free to comment on your favorites in the comments, each matchup will actually use a poll. Those matchups will start Monday morning.

But without further ado, here are the matchups:

Ella Jenkins Region
1. The Jimmies - "Cool To Be Uncool"
2. Barenaked Ladies - "Pollywog in a Bog"
3. Central Services Board of Education - "The Lonely Tomato"
4. The Hipwaders - "Cat in a Bathysphere"

Leadbelly Region
1. They Might Be Giants - "The Ballad of Davy Crockett"
2. Mark Kozelek - "Bedtime Lullaby"
3. Egg - "Night Time Party"
4. Shana Berry - "The Pink Whale"

Pete Seeger Region
1. The Sippy Cups - "The Day After Halloween"
2. Debbie and Friends - "Hangin' Around"
3. Secret Agent 23 Skidoo - "Gotta Be Me"
4. Readeez - "Circle and Square"

Woody Guthrie Region
1. Caspar Babypants - "The Island Hop"
2. Gustafer Yellowgold - "Getting in a Treetop"
3. Eric Herman - "Tale of the Sun and the Moon"
4. Hullabaloo - "All of These Things"

And as always: please, no wagering!

Reader Comments (7)

The Jimmies Cool To Be Uncool is a very cool concept . I think the Jimmies are the best . Good inspiration for the young .


Mickey Carroll
March 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermickey carroll
Cool to Be Uncool again shows off Ashley's enormous creativity. She's the New Boss...
March 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBen
"Hipness is what it is!" It is hip tobe uncool. Jimmies in a landslide!
March 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTom Sheehy
The Jimmies "To Cool To Be Cool" is truly amazing! The creativity, the special effects, the energy and especially, the music, bring pure joy to the listener...wait, I was the listener....and I felt joyous after hearing and watching the piece. Many thanks for the Art.
March 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMichael Hurwitz
Debbie and Friend's creative lyrics not only entertain, they educate! Fun! Fun! Fun!
March 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteramy
Jimmies, yes yes yes
April 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKR
Wow- this is the first time I saw this video and I have to say... the jimmies are wonderful. They're great musicians, the lead singer is so engaging, the music's great and the video's are so strong in concept. My whole family voted for this one. It really took me back to when I was a kid and was taken over by the power of a good book. Thanks Jimmies and thanks Zooglobble for bringing us a band we intend to follow.

April 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlena

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