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Live Video: Lunch Money

LunchMoneyJalopy.jpgLunch Money might have been the least-assuming of all the artists at this weekend's KindieFest (aka StinkFest 2009). Songwriter Molly Ledford spent a not small amount of time playing with the few kids while Jay Barry was pretty quiet (compared to a Chatty Cathy like me). And J.P. Stephens spent most of the day taking pictures. (He's not so talented that he can take pictures of the band while he's playing so all pictures here are mine.)

When they finally took the Jalopy stage, the last of the nine bands to play the showcase, Tor Hyams introduced the trio and pointed out that you can hear Ledford's smile when she sings, which goes a long way, I think, to explaining the band's appeal. The folks that had stuck around for this final set were rewarded with a setlist that featured both Lunch Money classics and new stuff. The band rocked, the crowd danced, and as Lunch Money played, Molly grinned.

On the video below, hear a new Lunch Money track, "I Want to Push Buttons." (Since I started recording in the middle of the banter, what Ledford is recounting is that when she was growing up she wanted to be one of two things...)

Lunch Money - "I Want To Push Buttons"

One more picture and one more video after the jump...
Lunch Money - "Tiny Dinosaurs"


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