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Play List: Little Boy Blue's Birthday Mix

Little Boy Blue had a birthday recently and for the first time in either his or Miss Mary Mack's life, he had a birthday party whose guests numbered in the double-digits. And so, as part of the party favors, I decided to make a mix CD.

Now, it's been awhile since I've made a mix CD -- heck, aside from some very themed collections for preschool, this could very well be my first. And so, setting aside the books and books of philosophy on proper mixtape/CD compilation, all I tried to do was put together some songs (or artists) Little Boy Blue liked, along with some I liked, with a few thematic strands. And if I had feelings of, "how could I forget [x]?!?," well, then, I guess I should do this again.

Anyway, I thought I'd use this mix to kick off a new, occasional series featuring mix CDs and other playlists. I'd like it to not just feature my voice, so if you want to share a mix CD or playlist of your own, drop me a line...

Here's the result...
Little Boy Blue's Birthday Mix

It's Your Birthday - Justin Roberts (Meltdown!)
Apartment Four - They Might Be Giants (Here Come the 123s!)
House Party Time - Dan Zanes & Friends (House Party)
Fee Fi Fo Fum - Ralph Covert (The Amazing Adventures Of Kid Astro)
Gotta Be Me - Secret Agent 23 Skidoo (Easy)
Dumptruck - Mommie (Mommie's Dearest)
Dumptruck - Ralph Covert (The Amazing Adventures Of Kid Astro)
Little Broken Truck - Caspar Babypants (Here I Am!)
Roller Coaster -Lunch Money (Silly Reflection)
I've Been Working on the Railroad - Music Together (Family Favorites)
Freight Train - Saltminers (The Family Hootenanny)
Marshmallow Farm - Recess Monkey (Field Trip)
Mr. Cookie - The Jellydots ("Hey You Kids!")
Blueberry Pancakes - Frances England (Fascinating Creatures)
World's Shortest Dance Break - The Biscuit Brothers (Family Favorites)
Let's Shake - Dan Zanes & Friends (Catch That Train!)
Clap Your Hands - They Might Be Giants (No!)
Spanimals - The Jimmies (Make Your Own Someday)
The Other Day I Met A Bear - Barenaked Ladies (For The Kids Three )
Pig On Her Head - Laurie Berkner (Buzz Buzz)
Are You A Rabbit? - Lunch Money (Dizzy)
Mr Rabbit - Session Americana (Table Top People Vol 2)
Chickens Playing Bongos - The Biscuit Brothers (Old MacDonald's EIE RADIO)
Down By The Bay - Raffi (Singable Songs For The Very Young)
We Are The Dinosaurs - Laurie Berkner (Whaddaya Think Of That?)
We R Super Heroes - Robbert Bobbert and the Bubble Machine (Robbert Bobbert and the Bubble Machine)
A Counting Error - John Upchurch and Mark Greenberg (John And Mark's Children's Record)
Educated Kid - The Hipwaders (Educated Kid)
See You On The Moon - Great Lake Swimmers (For The Kids Three)
Pay Me My Money Down - Dan Zanes & Friends (Night Time!)
Fruit Jar - Justin Roberts Feat. Nora O’Connor (Pop Fly)

Reader Comments (3)

We did this for the Bear's 1st birthday but not since. It was a mix that contained Josh Ritter, Carol King songs from Maurice Sendak stories, Beach Boys...not much "kid's music" back then (that was pre-OWTK).
July 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJeff
Was he turning 4? Hence, "Apartment Four?" I always have to throw in a TMBG number song too (although "there's only one omniverse..." is rather melancholy for your first birthday!).
July 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMolly
I can't comment on Little Boy Blue's age here for privacy reasons, Molly -- but suffice it to say, TMBG's "Four of Two" was right after "Apartment Four" until it got cut for time reasons.

When your kids turn seven, bonus! Two songs.
July 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStefan

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