New Englanders, Do This. And New Yorkers, Too.

Three months ago, I posted my list of the best kids music venues in the country. I'm not sure the No Nap Happy Hour organized by Bill would appear in that top 5 list yet, but take a look at the first six bands in the series and tell me that it wouldn't be in the Top 10 at least:
7/26 Lunch Money
8/23 Justin Roberts & the Not Ready for Naptime Trio
9/20 Deedle Deedle Dees
10/18 Uncle Rock & the Playthings
11/8 Brady Rymer & the Little Band That Could
12/6 Bill Harley
That's a great lineup, a nice blend of local(-ish) and not-so-local musicians. And it kicks off with Lunch Money, folks! All shows are Sundays at 2 PM at the Iron Horse Music Hall. It's the best lineup north of the 42nd parallel. Go!
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