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Play List: Bedtime Mix

As I noted in my original "Play List," I'm hoping to feature other folks' lists, and the first guest list is from reader Dan, who writes...

Mixtapes have always been a hobby of mine and when the little guy entered our world I figured why stop. We have also found it to be beneficial in introducing new music (as well as a little bit of parent music) to help with those musical obsessions that can drive families a bit crazy (right now the non-stop play in our house is Pop Fly by Justin Roberts).

This is our current favorite bedtime mix.

"Let It Be" - Nick Cave - I Am Sam
"Beautiful Boy -John Lennon" - The John Lennon Collection
"Miracle- Renee & Jeremy" - It's A Big World
"Over The Rainbow" - Dan Zanes & Friends - Rocket Ship Beach
"Give it a Kiss" - Wingdale Community Singers- Bright Spaces 2
"Sleep, Little One, Sleep" -Kevin Locke And Sissy Goodhouse - Lullaby
"Spirit Lullaby" -Sweet Honey In The Rock -Lullaby
"Hush Little Baby" -Dean Jones - Napper's Delight
"Butterfly" -Elizabeth Mitchell & Lisa Loeb- Catch The Moon
"2/2" -Brian Eno- Ambient 1 Music For Airports

On a good night our little guy is asleep by the end of the 3rd song, but the Brian Eno at the end is a nice transition into the CD ending if he is still awake by then.

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