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Are The JumpArounds Getting A Bit Fresh?

I think it's safe to say that The JumpArounds have been, shall we say, a polarizing band. The comments on my original post about the band are about as vitriolic as comments around here get. (Based on the few minutes of minutes of video I saw, I didn't understand the vitriol on either side -- generally forgettable but not execrable music that held the promise of being very addictive to young kids.)

Well, I'm not sure you'll have the JumpArounds to KickAround anymore. Not because they're going off the air permanently, but because they're changing their name. A listing for a NYC Central Park SummerStage concert this Sunday lists a concert featuring DJ Lance from Yo Gabba Gabba! and some group called the Fresh Beat Band, a description of whom sounds very familiar...

Check out The Fresh Beat Band consisting of four best friends -- Marina, Kiki, Twist, and Shout -- who attend music school together and love to sing and dance. The foursome will star in an upcoming Nickelodeon TV series that teaches preschoolers about music appreciation and how to express their feelings through movement and song. Packed with hip, catchy songs, dynamic choreography, and clever storylines, the band will get the whole family singing and dancing.
OK, yeah, and the picture is identical, too.

And sure enough, WHOIS searches on and show that Viacom (Nick's corporate parent) registered those domain names just last week (and the JumpArounds site is pretty bare, promising new videos at some future point).

So perhaps it's time to steel yourself for a Fresh Beat Band onslaught. (Though I gotta tell you, snoozer of a name.)

Reader Comments (10)

I was at the concert yesturday and everyone in the audiaence called them the Jump Arounds, kids and Parents. They were sure to hand our flyers with the bands new name and date of their show to begin in late August.
July 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEmily
I *knew* it! The mysterious disappearance of the JumpArounds' website and the pulling of their clips from Nick and Noggin was highly suspicious, and I figured it had to be related to a legally-mandated name change. It was just too similar to the LA-based kidrock band The Jumpitz. Wow, someone(s) at Viacom lost jobs over that one. And, um, they deserve to. Anyone know how to use the Google Machine?
July 18, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermsicism
I'm just happy that I'm not the only person in the world who wondered why Nickelodeon suddenly and mysteriously pulled the JumpArounds from the commercial spots and the website. It was just so odd. Literally, one day they just yanked everything related to the JumpArounds. I agree that they could've performed a simple google search. Sadly though, I think the name change isn't going to deter my 3 and 4 year old from watching the show next month!
July 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmy
I too wondered where the Jump Arounds went off to. My two year old really liked the commercials, despite the fact that the idea of them being on for a solid half hour would be migraine worthy. Then the new commercials came on, same kids, new name. Anyone notice the new commercials are incredibly dull compared to the originals? I hate the new name, if they were looking for a quick fix they could have picked something much better than "The Fresh Beat Band." Honestly.
July 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLisa
The Fresh Beat Band ? Nothing "fresh" there - heck, the foursome are still wearing their Jump Around outfits !

And their saccharine-sweetness is enough to drive any parent to start adding bourbon to their morning coffee.

I can't say my two year old "hates" the JumpArounds, Ver.2.0 - but I've noticed she'll find something else to do during their commercials.

Let's be honest here (and try to keep this thread from degenerating into adolescent name-calling) - The Fresh Beat Band simply isn't age-appropriate for Noggin. Regardless of whether you love the band or despise them, Kiki & Marina, et al. are better suited on Nick, Jr. or perhaps the Disney Channel.

I remember one line from the old JumpArounds commercials - something about "when you've got to get down when you just got up" - Noggin is a place where children should be learning about shapes, colors and numbers ... not "getting down."

At risk of being berated by the "Thread Police" for my negativity - I too will change the channel whenever I see The JumpArounds, Ver. 2.0
July 28, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercharlie
The reason the Jump Arounds were so polarizing is because Noggin played the holy hell out of their "videos." I didn't mind it a few times, but with a 3-year old, we watch a couple hours of Noggin every night, and after the 40th "I got I got I got I got you got you got you got you got we got we got we got loco legs (repeat 16x), any sane person is ready to kill.
July 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJustin Torrento
The nick jr. site lists a whole education list for the show and according to imdb the research team is the same that did Ni Hao for noggin' so I think it probably is for toddlers - or at least toddler-appropriate.
July 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFreshBeatSTuff
When i first saw the plugs for the Jumparounds, all i could think is that Nick is trying WAYYYY too hard to compete with Disney's live action series. The hype machine they unleashed on Noggin turned my stomach and forced me to try to explain to my 2 and half year old that this was mass produced low quality programming meant to trick him into spending his money and time on it.The best is when the powers that be changed the name to the Fresh Beat Band. At 2, my son doesnt quite get it, but in time im sure he will. He does love the music, which tells you what level this show is on. I let him watch it, but i am more than ready to point out that the actors are just actors and dont really sing, play, write, or even choriograph their own moves. He likes Yo Gabba Gabba, which is very creepy, but not as creepy as Lazy Town.The dark haired girl is hot in her own skanky way, and the redhead has a bad case of the uglies in the face.
August 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKev Man
Like Justin said, I was about ready to stick a fork in my eyes after the millionth time seeing/hearing the Loco Legs or Found Sound promos on Noggin. So much so that we only watch PBS Kids programming now, no more Noggin.
August 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTwin Mommy
Justin's comment made me laugh out loud. We have a 2.5yo and my wife and I made the same observation.
August 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJT

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