Video: "Gotta Be Good" / "Dance Around" - Ralph's World

The fine folks at Disney have decided that if they can't beat 'em, join 'em, which means, yay, YouTube! They've started to post individual videos from their artists on YouTube, and today I'm going to feature them, just because I feel like it.
This one is from Ralph's World's latest album with Disney, The Rhyming Circus, a driving number featuring his band wearing t-shirts spelling out "RALPH." It was either this or a video featuring Ralph Covert in a Sgt. Pepper's-like outfit. I'm guessing Covert didn't have final wardrobe say on these. But I really like this song.
Ralph's World - "Gotta Be Good"
One more, Green Gorilla, Monster & Me's "Dance Around," the video for which was available on the Welcome to Ralph's World compilation...
Ralph's World - "Dance Around"
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