All Around All Around Ralph's World

You may have seen the artwork for All Around Ralph's World, the latest album from, well, Ralph's World (natch), and Ralph's first for Bar/None Records.
But have you see the track list?
You haven't? Oh, well, then, you'll have to click through for details. Plus details on another new song from Ralph...
Tracklist, All Around Ralph's World
1. The Great Outdoors
2. My Magic Trick
3. Wiggle Your Lah-De-Dah
4. Easy Ryders
5. All About Bob [Ed: I've heard this and no, this isn't about the movie.]
6. All Around The World
7. Black Hole Boy
8. Blue Airplane
9. The First Time
10. Pickle Me Juice
11. Sally's Trip
12. Bubblegum
13. The Funniest Joke In The World
14. A Dog Named Bruce
15. The Robot Looked At The Stars
16. I'm Not Tired
As for the new song, you'll have to sign up for Pull-Ups' House Party, which apparently will be a nationwide set of potty-training parties on February 20 that will feature, among other things, Ralph Covert's "NEW" version of "The Potty Dance." (There was an old version?) This isn't Covert's first foray into company-sponsored music -- remember his Rice Krispies jingle? I totally understand the need to partner with big companies, but here's hoping the new song will have a replay value more along the lines of Golden Smog's "Corvette."
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