Video: "Wash Your Face" (Live) - The Okee Dokee Brothers

The Twin Cities-based Okee Dokee Brothers' Kids With Beards is one of the better kids music albums I never got around to reviewing -- a solid, occasionally odd, but often quite enjoyable collection of tunes released in 2008. You've never heard banjos and disco mix quite like this.
Well, Joe and Justin have some new tunes, and they're trying them out live. More importantly for the audiovisual needs of your friendly kids music blogger, they're also posting them to YouTube. Fun stuff, plus banjos. Banjos go a long way with me, as do gratuitous mid-'80s references. I think they'll go a fair way with your kids, too.
The Okee Dokee Brothers - "Wash Your Face" [YouTube]
One more live video after the jump. Lots of fun wordplay in this one.
The Okee Dokee Brothers - "Robot" [YouTube]
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