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Listen To This: "People Really Like Milk" (Wilson High School Chorale)

While the impact of the chattering classes versus that of the actual creative community should be viewed as minimal, I'd like to think that I'm at the maximum end of that minimal impact for Billy Kelly's brilliant "People Really Like Milk." (See here.) So I feel a bit proud and a bit protective of the song. I'm its helicopter parent.

So when Kelly himself notices that a high school choir has adapted the song for its own use, I am naturally drawn to it like a moth to a flame. The sound quality is poor, the crowd screams at odd places, and the camera operator is clearly related to the guitarist, but, hey:

A high school choir just performed a kindie rock classic.

We should all be so lucky. What's next? Raffi on Glee?

PS -- if you have any detail which one of the dozens of Wilson High Schools across the country is actually responsible, please drop me a line...

Wilson High School Chorale - "People Really Like Milk" [YouTube]

Reader Comments (1)

I recorded a demo of this song on my laptop very late one night in January 2009. My wife, Jackie, woke up to hear me me singing "bike bike bike bike bike" from down the hall and got out of bed to see what the heck I was up to. When she listened to the demo in the headphones she said "I think you've found your calling." Fast forward to your endorsement of the song a few months later, Stefan, and the subsequent airplay it received all across the country. Now this video appears out of nowhere and it's me coming in from down the hall wondering what the heck my song is up to. "Bike bike bike bike bike" lives on and makes people smile & laugh all by itself! Truly a great feeling to have played a part in this. Many thanks to all the people who have helped this song make it's merry little way through the world: Jackie, Stefan, Bruce, Bob, Jake, Kimbo, Mindy, Robbie, Kenny, the Wilson High School Chorale, and so on, etc. YAY Milk! YAY bike bike bike bike bike!

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