Listen To This: "You Are Here" (Lunch Money vs. Grody Remix) - Lunch Money

A couple months ago, I premiered "You Are Here" by the South Carolina band Lunch Money. It was one of the many fine tracks on the Many Hands: Family Music for Haiti benefit disk released on Bill Childs' Spare the Rock Records.
And then about a week afterward, I received an odd e-mail -- a remix of the song by one Bil Hooper (known here as Grody), who described the result as "re-imagined as a cross between Neutral Milk Hotel and the Sundays." Yeah, he had that about right. I said it sounded pretty cool, and Hooper apologized for the low sound quality of the remix since he only had the actual mp3, not the individual tracks.
"You know, Molly [Ledford, Lunch Money songwriter extraordinaire] might be willing to share the original tracks with you," I said (essentially).
Which is how Bill world-premiered the remix below on his show this morning and why, with Bill and Molly's permission, you can stream it here. I still think it's pretty cool.
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