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Listen To This: "You Are Here" (Lunch Money vs. Grody Remix) - Lunch Money

A couple months ago, I premiered "You Are Here" by the South Carolina band Lunch Money. It was one of the many fine tracks on the Many Hands: Family Music for Haiti benefit disk released on Bill Childs' Spare the Rock Records.

And then about a week afterward, I received an odd e-mail -- a remix of the song by one Bil Hooper (known here as Grody), who described the result as "re-imagined as a cross between Neutral Milk Hotel and the Sundays." Yeah, he had that about right. I said it sounded pretty cool, and Hooper apologized for the low sound quality of the remix since he only had the actual mp3, not the individual tracks.

"You know, Molly [Ledford, Lunch Money songwriter extraordinaire] might be willing to share the original tracks with you," I said (essentially).

Which is how Bill world-premiered the remix below on his show this morning and why, with Bill and Molly's permission, you can stream it here. I still think it's pretty cool.

Reader Comments (3)

Lunch Money is my all-time favorite kids' band! And I love this remix. Sounds great, Bil!
October 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPatty
nice job!
October 3, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterrudy trubitt
dang! We only got half way through the show this weekend and missed this. Going back to finish up! He totally messed with my favorite song on that record and yeah! It's cool!
October 4, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterdebinsf

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