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Songs For Adoption (Updated)

I first posted a list of songs for adoption about four years ago. Without going into great detail (if you want more, read the original list), adoption has been a part of our how family has grown, and for that I'm grateful.

This Saturday, November 20, 2010, families across the United States will celebrate National Adoption Day. Everyone's adoption journey is a little bit different, so trying to come up with a list of adoption songs is difficult work. Still, here's a short list, which I've generally tried to restrict to very adoption-specific songs. I'm sure there's more that's crossed my desk over the past four years, so if I've missed any, please let me know in the comments.

"Happy Adoption Day," by John McCutheon (off his Family Garden CD or his Supper's on the Table... best-of)
"From God's Arms to My Arms to Yours," by Michael McLean
"The Red Thread," by Lucy Kaplansky, off the album of this same name
"Cartwheels and Somersaults," by Justin Roberts, off Meltdown! -- OK, this isn't really about adoption, but it is all about the joy of adding another child to a family and it spoke to our family's situation wonderfully.
"Not Alone', by John Carlin from his CD First Time For Everything
"When Love Takes You In," by Steven Curtis Chapman off Declaration
"Once Upon a Time," by Miss Lynn off her forthcoming album Something New (and download the song for free here) -- those of you with a Guatamalan adoption experience should check it out, especially...

Reader Comments (1)

I didn't see the song "I am Your Mother Too" from the Keb'Mo' album Big Wide Grin on either your lists or those that you referenced, but it's an absolutely beautiful song that tends to bring tears to my eyes. If you've not heard it before it's worth taking a listen!
November 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDonna

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