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Kids Music Worth Airing!
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« Best Kids Music 2010: Top 10 Album Packages | Main | Video: "Happy Sad Silly Mad" - Jeremy Plays Guitar »

Best Kids Music 2010: An Introduction

What's that? It's almost December? Then it must be time to start putting together lists of the year's best. In past years, I've put together lists of best albums and best songs, but this year I'm adding a couple more categories. 2010 was another great year for family music, and for me personally, I can't think of a clearer indication of that than the fact that some of the music I'll be discussing here in the next few days I didn't even get around to reviewing properly on the site. I reviewed roughly 50 albums (plus DVDs and concerts and more) this year -- the equivalent to one a week -- and I still didn't get to all that I thought merited a mention. It's a sign of a healthy genre -- it's not just the superstars.

As always, my year meets the definition of the Fids and Kamily year -- November 1, 2009 through October 31, 2010. I'll be updating this post with links to the relevant subject posts as they go up.

Top 20 Albums
Top 10 Debuts
Top 20 Songs
Top 10 Album Packages
Big Ideas

Starting next week I'm planning on things being a little quieter around here through the start of the new year. I've got some projects -- some kids music-related, some not -- that need some extra attention and I'm gonna have to scale back a bit here while I focus on those. But the site won't be completely dark -- expect some interviews and other holiday-related stuff.

Thanks as always for reading -- hope 2011 is a super year for you and yours.

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