Share: Free Music from the Que Pastas

With everybody and their dentist starting up a family music side project these days, how can a new artist distinguish themselves? Well, I can think of two primary ways:
1) Write good music.
2) Give away music for free.
Enter The Que Pastas, a new kids music outfit from Denver, who are taking approach #2 and mostly hitting #1 while they're at it. While Colorado has a few kids musicians -- hi, Sue!, hi, Steve! -- Denver's been sort of bare. The only band I know of were the Hobo Nickels, and they're now defunct. So songwriter Gene Davis has stepped into the gap and along with some fellow musicians recorded a 4-track EP. A little bit alt-country, a little indie-pop, I personally most like "Common Denominator," which I think is probably is a poor base for actual math knowledge, but fun nonetheless. The whole thing is definitely promising.
Download the album for free here. They're accepting donations, so if your family grooves to the songs, drop 'em a buck or two.
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