Concert Recap: Randy Kaplan (Phoenix, Nov. 2009)

When I was putting together my recap of Doug Snyder's performance here in Phoenix a week or so ago, I realized that I'd totally skipped providing a recap of Randy Kaplan's show here back in November -- heck, I hadn't even uploaded the videos from the show.
So there's little I can say about the show three months after the fact other than: 1) Kaplan's a really good live act, and 2) he played some new songs. That's right, Kaplan's got a new album coming out this spring, but even last fall he treated the Phoenix crowd to some new songs, including the one below, which, appropriately enough for the desert, featured cacti.
Randy Kaplan - "I Like Cacti" (Live) [YouTube]
Randy Kaplan - "The Ladybug Without Spots" (Live) [YouTube]
Randy Kaplan - "Shampoo Me" (Live) [YouTube]
Randy Kaplan - "You Can't Always Get What You Wanti" (Live) [YouTube]
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