Share: "Open Your Heart" - Laurie Berkner

Laurie Berkner takes her time recording and releasing music, so new music from her is worth noting. New music from Laurie Berkner for free for a good cause is definitely worth noting.
Starting today and through February 28, the Pajama Program will be offering visitors to their website a chance to download "Open Your Heart," a new song recorded by Berkner especially for the organization, which provides new, warm sleepwear and books to children in need. (Berkner played several "Pajama Party" concerts in 2009 where she asked fans to bring pajamas and books for the program.) It's jaunty, sweet, and should have a shelf life beyond the month of February.
And there are hand motions, apparently. Berkner's going to sing the song on her Valentine's Day webcast, with daughter Lucy doing the hand motions.
If you want your chance to be in a Laurie Berkner video (in a manner of speaking), you can also film your kids dancing to the song and send those videos to the Pajama Program by February 22 -- they'll be compiled into a single video that the program will use to promote itself. It's not quite fame and fortune, but perhaps it's a small part of a good deed, which is enough for a Monday, no?
Anyway, go here to download the track.
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