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« The Top Kids Music Albums of All Time Poll: #s 25-11 | Main | My Favorite Kids Music Videos of 2009 »

The Top Kids Music Albums of All Time Poll: Results Introduction

TopKidsAlbumsLogo.jpgI'm about to post the first part of results from the Top Kids Music Albums of All Time Poll, and I wanted to start off by thanking everyone who voted lo these many months ago. Nearly 90 folks submitted ballots, which I thought was an excellent response. And I also want to thank everyone for their patience while I compiled these results.

One note on the results I'll be presenting here. The rules I outlined in my original post asked people to vote for 10 albums, with point ratings from 1 to 10, but people could submit fewer than 10 albums with points reduced accordingly. As I received votes, however, I realized a couple things:
1) The disparity between a tenth place vote and a first place vote was far too large
2) By permitting one- or two-vote ballots (albeit at a discounted value), it didn't discourage persons who wanted to specifically promote one artist at the cost of all others.

So, prior to tabulating votes, I decided to change the scoring methodology as follows:
1) Rather than scoring votes from 1 to 10, I scored votes from 18 to 27. (There was a justification for selecting that range, but it's not worth getting into.)
2) I disqualified all ballots with fewer than five votes.

I will be describing the top 25 albums using the revised methodology, but will publish (after the full results are revealed) both sets of results.

So I hope you enjoy the results. There are a lot of familiar faces, a few (relatively) unfamiliar ones, and a lot of time both in the voting and in the compiling. Enjoy.

Reader Comments (4)

I applaud you for doing all of this work! It sounds like you even had to do advanced math to figure it all out! (or maybe it's just advanced to me?) Can't wait to see the results.
March 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterFairly Odd Mother
On behalf of the kid's music community I want to thank you for taking the time to put this poll together.
March 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJeff
Newsworthy list, Stefan! Great work.
March 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBeth BC
I've only recently started reading your blog regularly so wasn't around for the voting stages, but I'm really looking forward to seeing all the results!

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