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Kids Music Worth Airing!
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« Austin Kiddie Limits 2010 Lineup Announced (Along With, Er, the Rest of Austin City Limits Fest) | Main | Kindiefest 2010: Jon Samson »

Kindiependent Ironically Not Independent At All

Share the Music poster_lowres.jpgAt Kindiefest a couple weeks ago, one of the few sustained conversations I had was with the guys from Recess Monkey. We talked about how the key with the kids music genre is the continued sharing -- rather than fighting over limited pieces of a pie, try to make that pie bigger so everybody gets more. Especially if it's pecan pie. Mmm, I love me some pecan pie.

But I digress.

Anyway, the guys in the band said they'd been working with some of the other Seattle kids music bands to try to cross-promote their shows and music, but they didn't reveal their secret weapon, which is the most awesome name: Kindiependent, which almost makes me like the whole "kindie" name which I've never fully been able to embrace. It's a Seattle kids music collective featuring Recess Monkey, Caspar Babypants, The Not-Its, Johnny Bregar, and the Central Services Board of Education.

Check out the cool poster art from Kate Endle (Chris Ballew's wife, who's also done both Caspar Babypants covers) -- with help from Johnny Bregar and Jack Forman -- for a show on June 13th. It's the record release party for RM's The Final Funktier -- apparently it's going to be one seamless set where each band's set overlaps with the one preceeding it.

So, yeah, Seattle's totally going all for one, one for all, 5 Musketeers-style. (And maybe more, once other Seattle folks get the word.) Other areas might be thinking the same thing, but Seattle's taken the visible step. And secured the website.

Reader Comments (2)

Squeeeee!!! I knew it was only a matter of time before something like this happened in my hometown, with all the local talent we have. Gotta love the Monkeys--and all the other Seattle musicians--for having such a wonderful sense of sharing. After all, that is what we're hoping our kids will learn from us, yes? I'm definitely putting that one on my calendar. Thanks for the head's up.

By the way, pecan pie is great, but I'm guessing Johnny B would opt for blackberry ;)
May 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKaty L
This is awesome! I'm so excited I can hardly wait! Pacific Northwest families are very lucky to have all these great kindie bands right in our backyard. It's so awesome how they are working together to bring great events like this to everyone!
May 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMrs. Mama

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