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Share: "Happy Birthday Harry" - Todd McHatton

Todd McHatton's new album Sundays at the Rocket Park comes out July 21, but there's always free music where Todd's concerned. Jeff already gave you the scoop on that album's opening track. Some of the album is like that tune, and a lot of rocks quite a bit harder. You can go to McHatton's website for lots of other downloads, some of rough versions of tunes from the new album, some from McHatton's next album.

Below is McHatton's tribute to the musician McHatton most obviously idolizes, Harry Nilsson, whose kids album The Point is the ur-type for an album made for families by a musician who typically just records for adults. (It's also, er, good.) Nilsson's birthday is June 15th, so why not write a song for Nilsson in Nilssonian style? Download away...

<a href="">Happy Birthday Harry by Todd McHatton</a>

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