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    Grammys: This One's For the Musicians

    GrammyLogo.gifLongtime readers know that I care about the voting process for the Grammys more than I probably should. But seeing as it is the music industry's biggest self-congratulation event, I think it's important that family musicians care about it and take pride in the artists nominated for their genre's big prize(s). The Grammys get pounded when the general membership makes a poor selection for a winning entry, but the musicians in the genre can help ensure that the nominee pool makes it impossible to make a poor choice. (Last year's nominee list was a big step forward in that regard.)

    Karen Rappaport McHugh of Muddy Girl Productions was recently elected to the Los Angeles Chapter Board of Governors for the Recording Academy and says she's "really going to try to enhance the visibility of kids music." (As you might expect, the LA chapter might have some outsized importance in the field.) So, here are some dates for musicians to consider as they plan their 2011 Grammy campaigns. The key date -- if you want enter your disk online, deadline for membership in order to do so is Wednesday, June 30. Other note: last year had an 11-month eligibility window -- this year and this year only it's 13 months, from Sept. 1, 2010 2009 through Sept. 30, 2010.
    June 30 MEMBERSHIP: Last day for to join The Academy and have access to Online Entry Process
    July 7 AWARDS: Record Company Online Entry Process Opens (Round 1 of 2)
    July 28 AWARDS: Record Company Online Entry Process Closes (Round 1 of 2)
    Aug. 3 AWARDS: Member Online Entry Process Opens
    Aug. 18 AWARDS: Record Company Online Entry Process Opens (Round 2 of 2)
    Aug. 31 AWARDS: Member Online Entry Process Closes
    Aug. 31 AWARDS: Record Company Online Entry Process Closes (Round 2 of 2)
    Oct. 1 MEMBERSHIP: Last day to join The Academy and receive a voting ballot
    Oct. 13 AWARDS: First voting ballot mailed
    Nov. 3 AWARDS: First voting ballot DUE
    Dec. 1 MEMBERSHIP: Last day to join for final round & be eligible to purchase tickets
    Dec. 2 AWARDS: Final voting ballot mailed; to be returned December 23
    Dec. 23 AWARDS: Final voting ballot DUE
    Feb. 13, 2011 53rd Annual GRAMMY Awards at Staples Center

    Reader Comments (3)

    Hey Stefan, do you mean Sept 1 2009?
    June 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJack
    Er... yes! Yes, I do, Jack! [Edits post.]
    June 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterStefan
    Darn....I only just saw this now and tomorrow's the 30th...but does that mean your disk had to be released after Sept. 2009 to be eligible? Then mine won't count...I had a May 09 release.
    June 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLaura Doherty

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