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« Review: "Outside Voices" - The Pop Ups | Main | Itty-Bitty Review: Clap Your Hands - Gwendolyn and the Good Time Gang »

Share: "The Naked Truth" - The Okee Dokee Brothers

TakeItOutside.jpgThe release date for the new Okee Dokee Brothers Take It Outside -- August 3rd -- is approaching and the public's now starting to hear the album. The band's offering a free download of "The Naked Truth," one of the album's 13 tracks. You may or may not be able to hide your smile at listening to the resolution of the bouncy song's story, but you'll know on which side the Brothers fall regarding that question...

Reader Comments (1)

That's some pretty catchy stuff! I love these guys!
June 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJack

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