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Justin Roberts, Jungle Gym, NPR, and Me

JG_(CS07)-1.jpgYes, I'm on NPR's All Things Considered this afternoon (or evening, depending on your location) reviewing Jungle Gym, the latest album from Justin Roberts. I don't want to give too much away, but I like it.

Anyway, if you want to hear it "live," it'll be streaming at 6:50 and 8:50 Eastern time.

And if you've stumbled across this website after hearing the review, welcome. Tons of information on the kids music/family music/kindie music/whatever you want to call it genre 'round these parts. If you like what you heard on NPR, there's plenty more where that came from. Well, not necessarily "plenty" -- Justin's one of the best -- but more than enough to make your family happy.

Reader Comments (1)

Great NPR spot!

Justin Roberts is indeed pretty awesome. My wife and I were digging listening to Justin Roberts (our tastes may have shifted after we had our son.)

June 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMike

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