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Radio Playlist: New Music July 2010

Time for some new music to the Zooglobble Radio Station. A bunch of music has crossed my desk over the past month or two, and I know there's a bunch of albums that I haven't been able to squeeze in here (guess it won't be hard to put together New Music August 2010). This playlist airs in the mid-afternoons (West Coast time), but if you can't listen in the afternoon, the tracks are scattered throughout the day, too.

Animal Friends - Poochamungas (Mud, Mommies and Mayhem)
F & G - The Pop Ups (Outside Voices)
America's Our Country - David Tobocman
Moon Moon Moon (Alternate Version) - Laurie Berkner (The Best Of The Laurie Berkner Band)
What A Big Wide World - Essie Jain (Until The Light Of Morning)
Right Now - Jon Samson (Another Kids Album)
Mariposa Mi Nina - The Bramble Jam (Move Your Boots)
Va A La Playa - Mo Phillips (Robot Rodeo)
Hard On You - Skyboat (On Trinity Street)
All God's Critters - Kathryn Christian (I'm a Michigan Kid)
I Want a Cookie - The Rozz and Val Show (The Rozz and Val Show)
Turn the Sunshine On - Cathy Heller (Life is Good)
Together Like You And Me - Brendan Parker (Spaghetti Eddie! And Other Children's Songs)
on top of spaghetti - The Primate Fiasco (Wheels On The Bus)
Tommy Got In Trouble - The Bazillions (Rock-n-Roll Recess)
NOT! - Geff Crawford (Recess)
The Cul-de-Sac Kids - Paul Rogers (The Cul-de-Sac Kids)
Cumbia - Spencer the Gardener (Organic Gangster Vol. 1)
Yonder Come Day - Gina Samardge (Together)
Super Smart Guy - Daniel Schorr (I Smart)
Explorer - Lucky Diaz (Luckiest Adventure)

This list is random, and, due to internet broadcast rules, you'll hear them randomly on air as well...

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