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Share: "Oh, John the Rabbit" - Elizabeth Mitchell

SunnyDay.jpgAs previously noted, Elizabeth Mitchell will be releasing her next family music album, Sunny Day, later this year, October 5, to be exact. And she's just released a super-cute video for one of the tracks on the new disk, "Oh, John the Rabbit." You can view the video here. It's pretty simple, with Elizabeth, Daniel, Storey, bunnies, and a bunch of other kids. "John the Rabbit" is a pretty classic call-and-response song, one that Mitchell recorded on her very first kids album, You Are My Flower. Storey wasn't even born when that album was released more than a decade ago; to have her join in on this version seems pretty cool.

Anyway, if you like the video, you can also download the mp3 from that page as well for the price of an e-mail.

Update: The video's now on YouTube...

Elizabeth Mitchell - "Oh, John the Rabbit" [YouTube]

Reader Comments (3)

Here is the link for the free download:
July 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDavid Horgan
The cover art looks exactly like the work of children's author Margaret Chodos-Irvine, who lives in my neighborhood in Seattle. She wrote and illustrated one of our all-time favorites, Ella Sara Gets Dressed, among others. Is it her?Can't wait for this album to come out, and so excited about Elizabeth's collaboration with another Seattleite, Caspar Babypants (yeah, I like to brag about my talented town).
July 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKaty L
Okay, so now I watched the video, and am so moved by it's simplicity. Just like her music, she has a way of reaching through all the noise and hype and making it real. What a blessing.
July 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKaty L

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