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Listen To This: "You Are Here" - Lunch Money (from Many Hands)

ManyHands.jpgWhen I was given the opportunity to share with you a track from Many Hands: Family Music for Haiti, the hardest part was picking the track. There are lots of great songs on the compilation put together by Dog on Fleas and Bill Childs to benefit a variety of Haiti efforts, limiting myself to just one was hard work. (But in a good way.)

I picked this track from Lunch Money because in a couple ways it exemplifies the album as a whole -- 1) the benefit compilation itself is the first I can think of that consists primarily of family musicians performing (as opposed to adult artists performing kids' tracks), and 2) its theme of connecting with people elsewhere in the world fits well within the album's underlying intention to connect this part of the world with another part of the world -- nearby geographically, but far away in other ways.

Also, 3) it's just a really fun and sweet track.

Many Hands: Family Music from Haiti is officially released next week, Aug. 10. (You can preorder the album at Amazon, among other places.) Until then, courtesy of Dean and Bill and Lunch Money, stream this track.

[Ed: But only for a limited time. The album's out today...]

Reader Comments (2)

Great choice Stefan!What a great sound. Lovin' them more and more
August 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKWilde
This is so good! Her voice is so beautiful. FAN!
August 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJason Rabinowitz

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