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So Many Ways To Follow Kids Music, So Little Time

Kindle.jpgThere are so many ways to keep up with me. And while I love the idea of this website, and people interacting with me and with others here, I know that that's not always the way people read me. So I have a good half-dozen other ways for you stay in touch.

A while back I started to publish this very website on the Amazon Kindle platform. It was sort of a beta thing, so I didn't publicize it here, but now that people are actually paying to subscribe, I figure it's ready for primetime. For less than a buck a month, you can get Zooglobble automagically delivered to your Kindle (or Kindle app) and never worry about missing another cheap joke, gratuitous use of exclamation points, and general giddiness (or the latest interviews, reviews, and news about the family music genre). Just go here to subscribe -- you automatically get a 14-day free trial period.

For those of you who want to follow me in other ways, here's a handy roundup of other ways you may already be following me:

-- Facebook: I use this social media platform the most. Which is to say, not a lot, but enough. Sign up now, and you can be one of the last members of the "under 1,000 fans" club (because I'm just about at a thousand fans).
-- Twitter: I'm definitely not a power user -- Ashton Kutcher gets more views of a single tweet of his than I have in my lifetime. But every now and then I go through a Twittering spurt.
-- YouTube: I've got a bunch of great live videos from a bunch of great kids music artists, and it's always growing.
-- Cafepress: Want to buy something with Brandon Reese's excellent Zooglobble logo on it? Then here you go...
-- Applications: I've got apps that monitor my website and my Twitter feed. (One more reason for me to tweet a little more, right?) Get the Android app here. For iOS users (like me), if you go here with your iPhone, etc., you'll be offered the option of placing the mobile web app on your home screen.

My Myspace page is still alive, but I think I'll spare you that one.

Finally, I've got a newsletter, which comes in two flavors: 1) national, and 2) Arizona-specific. Both are really different newsletters -- I wouldn't recommend the Arizona one if you're not living here, but if you love have yet one more occasional newsletter in your e-mail, sign up for both!

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