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KidVid Tournament 2011 Champion: Keller Williams

KidVid11_logo2lowres.jpgWell, it was a close-fought battle that went right down to the final hour, but in the end Keller Williams and his video for "Hula Hoop to Da Loop" beat out Sugar Free Allstars' video for "Cars and Trucks" to be declared KidVid Tournament 2011 champion.

A tip of the cap to SFA, who beat a number of strong videos with their funky cartoon on their way to the championship and nearly pulled off the stunning upset. But it was not to be, as Williams' video took the crown. A video, I might add, which manages to retain viewers' attention with a simple concept -- Williams creates a loop (seemingly live), and a bunch of folks hula hoop their way through the rest of the video. Maybe it retains viewers' attention because of that simple concept.

I would be remiss if I didn't thank once again all my fellow kids' music writers who helped with this year's tournament by hosting various components -- Saturday Morning Cereal Bowl, Out With the Kids, Ages 3 and Up!, Gooney Bird Kids, Spare the Rock, Spoil the Child, and Dadnabbit. I think we'll do this again next year.

So, for the last time, here is your KidVid Tournament 2011 champion...

Keller Williams - "Hula Hoop to Da Loop" [YouTube]

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