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« Kindie Songwriting Club, Vol. 1: Green Beans Everywhere | Main | Dan Zanes' New Album: Little Nut Tree (Release Date: Sept. 27) »

Share: "Freeze Tag" - The Not-Its! (World Premiere)

TagYoureIt.jpgSeattle band The Not-Its! release their third album Tag, You're It! tomorrow, June 28, and the leadoff track is everything a summertime hit should be -- it rocks, it's catchy, and by combining the game of tag with popsicles, it covers a kids' quintessential summertime experience. In short, it totally earns the band's exclamation point.

Now, courtesy of the band, I'm happy to offer this track as a world premiere download in advance of tomorrow's album release. Stream it or for a limited time download it as well, either here or in the player below. The downloading window's over, but the album's out now...

Freeze Tag - The Not-Its! by zooglobble

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