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« Video: "The Wheels on the Bus" - Readeez | Main | Please Release Me: June 2011 Edition »

Radio Playlist: New Music June 2011

It has been way too long since I updated the Zooglobble radio station. (Ahem.) This playlist airs in the mid-afternoons (West Coast time), but if you can't listen in the afternoon, the tracks are scattered throughout the day, too. As always, the listing below is alphabetical, but the play order on air is random due to Internet music restrictions.

Stinkerbelle (Timeout Mix) - Alex The Seal (Kids' Club)
Metaphor - The Alphabeticians (Rock)
Skywriter - Baron Von Rumblebuss (Agreeably Loud!!)
House On Wheels - Caroline Herring (The Little House Songs)
Tired Eyes - Mark Erelli (Innocent When You Dream)
All I Wanna Do Is Dance - Fuzzy Lollipop (Sweet!)
The Alphabet Song - Groove Kid Nation (Wheels On The Bus)
Wisconsin Poncho - Gustafer Yellowgold (Gustafer Yellowgold's Infinity Sock)
10-4 Good Buddy - Hullabaloo (Road Trip)
Waters of March - Jamie Broza (I Want a Dog!)
Froggie Went A Courtin' (Featuring Secret Agent 23 Skidoo) - Joanie Leeds And The Nightlights (What A Zoo!)
1 2 3 4 - Kurt Gallagher (1 2 3 4)
I Love The Mountains - The Learning Station (#1 Best Kid's Songs!)
It's Hard To Wait For Your Birthday - Lori Henriques (Outside My Door)
Bluebonnet Time - Lucas Miller (I <3 Earth)
Let's Dance - Lucky Diaz And The Family Jam Band (Oh Lucky Day!)
Magic Pony - Miss Amy & Her Big Kids Band (Fitness Rock & Roll)
Gonna Take My Hat - Mister G (Bugs)
Super Scientist - Monty Harper (Songs From The Science Frontier)
Our Family - Mr. Leebot (Erratic Schematic)
The Funkier The Better - Nikolai Moderbacher (The Funkier The Better)
Would You Sing Me? - Octopretzel (If I Were A Song...)
Hip Hop - RhymeZwell (Nursery Rhymez)
Super Can - The RTTs (Goodie Bag)
Wear My Pajamas To School - Rudy Trubitt (Wear My Pajamas To School)
Un, deux, trois - Sophie & Les Petites (Bonjour)
Dandelion - Steve Weeks (Dandelion)
Cooperate - Sugar Free Allstars & Secret Agent 23 Skidoo
Slow Food - Van Oodles (Flossophy 101)
Lester's Dementia - Zak & Dela (The Candy Machine)

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