I Like Justin Roberts Concerts. But Especially This One.

It doesn't take a lot to get me excited about a Justin Roberts concert. He plays an awful lot of them, though, so I rarely make mention of them here.
Katy Lloyd, one of the first loyal Zooglobble readers, and for a number of years, actual real-life friend to my family, has made good on her promise years-ago to bring Justin to her hometown of Seattle for a Why Not Sea Monsters? concert. What is "Why Not Sea Monsters?" Well, it's a pair of albums Roberts recorded a number of years ago with Liam Davis -- they tell stories in song from the Old and New Testament. Lest you think that it was some idle, quick cash-in recording, Roberts' graduate degree is in theology, so he knows of which he speaks. Or sings, whatever.
In any case, Roberts is going to be performing a Why Not Sea Monsters? concert on Friday, August 19 at Fauntleroy UCC Church in West Seattle at 6:30 PM. He doesn't do a lot of these shows -- I'd guess he averages maybe one a year -- so if you're in the area, it's a chance to hear him do songs you don't normally hear. (If you wonder what they're like, here's a review of the disks.)
Even better than seeing a reader coordinate a show in her community is seeing the other good work the concert will create -- it's a fundraiser for Family Promise of Seattle. The organization works with area congregations to provide shelter, food, and transitional assistance to homeless families, a segment of the homeless population that is often underserved. Good friends here in Phoenix helped start the group here, and our family has supported the Phoenix operation with both money and as well as helping whenever own congregation hosts families.
So. Great artist, great cause. If you're in the Seattle area, it's a wonderful (and rare) opportunity. Go!
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