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Entries in Billy Jonas (2)


Billy Jonas Loves Your Ears, Too.

BillyJonasBudsConcert.jpgWell, Justin Roberts already played his concert on behalf of the Listen To Your Buds initiative, which basically encourages kids to turn down that damn music. Or, er, to please turn down the volume on the music they listen to, particularly on their headphones.

I just liked this picture of Billy Jonas, who played the most recent "Listen To Your Buds" concert last week in DC, kicking off (a couple days early) Better Hearing and Speech Month, which is held annually in May. He's there with Sirius-XM Kids Place Live's Mindy Thomas, who's bangin' on a can...


What Kind of [Fill In The Blank] Are You?

Last night on Kids Place Live, "re-percussionist" Billy Jonas made an appearance plugging his upcoming family CD Happy Accidents (due out next month). And for those of you who find "What Kind of Cat Are You?" ridiculously compelling ("Kat..hmandu"), you're in luck -- there's a sequel.

"What Kind of Dog Are You" makes an appearance, and on the radio, Jonas went through a whole list of animals (e.g., cows), not just dogs. Clearly, Jonas has stumbled upon a song format which he'll probably be playing for, like, the next 20 years.

In case this confuses you, watch (OK, just listen) to this:

Or if you want to see what "re-percussionist" means, watch this: