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Entries in Okee Dokee Brothers, The (16)


Video: "Water Balloon" - The Okee Dokee Brothers

I would not have expected the 39-second "Water Balloon" to be the first song to get a video from The Okee Dokee Brothers' upcoming (Aug. 3) release Take It Outside, but, hey, I guess there's pretty much just one concept you can go with for the song, and they did. (Read on below the video for one more piece of news about the album.)

The Okee Dokee Brothers - "Water Balloon" [YouTube]

I don't believe I've mentioned this here, but I'm on the album. Or, to be more specific, in the album. Writing some liner notes, to be specific. So I think you can probably guess how I feel about the disk.


Share: "The Naked Truth" - The Okee Dokee Brothers

TakeItOutside.jpgThe release date for the new Okee Dokee Brothers Take It Outside -- August 3rd -- is approaching and the public's now starting to hear the album. The band's offering a free download of "The Naked Truth," one of the album's 13 tracks. You may or may not be able to hide your smile at listening to the resolution of the bouncy song's story, but you'll know on which side the Brothers fall regarding that question...


Video: "What We Got" (Live) - The Okee Dokee Brothers with Bunny Clogs

As noted before, the Twin Cities' Okee Dokee Brothers have a new album coming out in early August -- Take It Outside -- and so they're starting to road-test the material, most recently at this weekend's Bunny Clogs concert. Adam Levy helps 'em out here on a soulful, organ-drenched track called "What We Got." And by "organ-drenched," I don't mean there were Hammond B-3's falling from the sky. 'Cause that would probably hurt. This, though, is nice.

The Okee Dokee Brothers - "What We Got" (Live) [YouTube]


Crowdfunding, Part 4: The Okee Dokee Brothers Join In (with Chipin)

First Jim Cosgrove, then Matt Clark, and now the Twin Cities' Okee Dokee Brothers are hopping on the crowdfunding bandwagon.

Unlike the other two, the Brothers have gone ahead and recorded their new album Take It Outside (and paid for it) ahead of requesting folks to help them out. So it's really not "crowdfunding" as much as it is a massive pre-order campaign with "rewards" ($150 gets you a CD, book, t-shirt, and a liner-note shout-out). Still, with Tor Hyams producing and Adam Levy from Bunny Clogs helping out, the August release is one to be anticipated. Details here or donate straight away below...


Video: "Mahna Mahna" - The Okee Dokee Brothers

Yes, it's simple, with low-grade production values.


It's the Muppets, with a nice arrangement of the classic "Mahna Mahna." I love the goofy angles from the Okee Dokee Brothers. So I think it's worth the minute or so runtime.

Okee Dokee Brothers - "Mahna Mahna" [YouTube]