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Entries in Play List (6)


Play List: Little Boy Blue's Birthday Mix

Little Boy Blue had a birthday recently and for the first time in either his or Miss Mary Mack's life, he had a birthday party whose guests numbered in the double-digits. And so, as part of the party favors, I decided to make a mix CD.

Now, it's been awhile since I've made a mix CD -- heck, aside from some very themed collections for preschool, this could very well be my first. And so, setting aside the books and books of philosophy on proper mixtape/CD compilation, all I tried to do was put together some songs (or artists) Little Boy Blue liked, along with some I liked, with a few thematic strands. And if I had feelings of, "how could I forget [x]?!?," well, then, I guess I should do this again.

Anyway, I thought I'd use this mix to kick off a new, occasional series featuring mix CDs and other playlists. I'd like it to not just feature my voice, so if you want to share a mix CD or playlist of your own, drop me a line...

Here's the result...
Little Boy Blue's Birthday Mix

It's Your Birthday - Justin Roberts (Meltdown!)
Apartment Four - They Might Be Giants (Here Come the 123s!)
House Party Time - Dan Zanes & Friends (House Party)
Fee Fi Fo Fum - Ralph Covert (The Amazing Adventures Of Kid Astro)
Gotta Be Me - Secret Agent 23 Skidoo (Easy)
Dumptruck - Mommie (Mommie's Dearest)
Dumptruck - Ralph Covert (The Amazing Adventures Of Kid Astro)
Little Broken Truck - Caspar Babypants (Here I Am!)
Roller Coaster -Lunch Money (Silly Reflection)
I've Been Working on the Railroad - Music Together (Family Favorites)
Freight Train - Saltminers (The Family Hootenanny)
Marshmallow Farm - Recess Monkey (Field Trip)
Mr. Cookie - The Jellydots ("Hey You Kids!")
Blueberry Pancakes - Frances England (Fascinating Creatures)
World's Shortest Dance Break - The Biscuit Brothers (Family Favorites)
Let's Shake - Dan Zanes & Friends (Catch That Train!)
Clap Your Hands - They Might Be Giants (No!)
Spanimals - The Jimmies (Make Your Own Someday)
The Other Day I Met A Bear - Barenaked Ladies (For The Kids Three )
Pig On Her Head - Laurie Berkner (Buzz Buzz)
Are You A Rabbit? - Lunch Money (Dizzy)
Mr Rabbit - Session Americana (Table Top People Vol 2)
Chickens Playing Bongos - The Biscuit Brothers (Old MacDonald's EIE RADIO)
Down By The Bay - Raffi (Singable Songs For The Very Young)
We Are The Dinosaurs - Laurie Berkner (Whaddaya Think Of That?)
We R Super Heroes - Robbert Bobbert and the Bubble Machine (Robbert Bobbert and the Bubble Machine)
A Counting Error - John Upchurch and Mark Greenberg (John And Mark's Children's Record)
Educated Kid - The Hipwaders (Educated Kid)
See You On The Moon - Great Lake Swimmers (For The Kids Three)
Pay Me My Money Down - Dan Zanes & Friends (Night Time!)
Fruit Jar - Justin Roberts Feat. Nora O’Connor (Pop Fly)

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