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Entries in Ralph's World (56)


Review: "All Around Ralph's World" - Ralph's World

AllAroundRalphsWorld.jpgRalph's World has done a lot of traveling, going from small label (Mini Fresh, an offshoot of Chicago's Minty Fresh) to big label (Disney) back to small label (Bar/None, who failed to come up with a cutesy kid-division name for Ralph).

So perhaps it's not so surprising that his new album All Around Ralph's World takes the word "world" from Ralph Covert's band name seriously, producing a loosely travel-themed album. But "loosely" is the key adverb, because it's not a concept album. It's just an album that has a number of songs that happen to be about travel. I prefer to think of the album as another collection of solid pop-rock songs for the big wheel set (see "Easy Ryders," which also works in a gratuitous Beatles reference) from an artist who's already turned out such songs by the suitcase. There aren't many clunkers (such as "All Around the World," where Covert sings about learning stories from around the world rather than singing those stories), but they're more than outweighed by the nuggets, such as the poppy "All About Bob," the funny "Black Hole Boy" (who loses everything, including, eventually, words to his song), and the sweet "Blue Airplane." And although the album drags a bit around the 2/3rds-point, the last four tracks, starting with "The Funniest Joke in the World" on through the album closer "I'm Not Tired," are excellent.

The album's most appropriate for kids ages 3 through 8. You can listen to the album at Ralph's website (just click on the "Playlist" in the upper right-hand corner).

I found Covert's last album, The Rhyming Circus, a little underwhelming compared to his previous body of work -- not bad by any means, but not memorable either. All Around Ralph's World is a return to form for one of the best songwriters in the kids music genre. As you're picking out music for your family's summer road trip (or even planning it), All Around Ralph's World would be a fine addition to the playlist. Definitely recommended.

I was provided a copy of the disk for possible review.


Video: "The Great Outdoors" - Ralph's World (Toot & Puddle)

I got pitched this video for "The Great Outdoors" in part as an "Earth Day"-related video. Considering I'm posting this after Earth Day has already passed on the East Coast, perhaps it would've been better if they'd pitched it to me (not to mention posted it), say, yesterday.

So let's call this an early celebration for Friday -- the weekend, a time to travel. Also, this is one of the better songs from Ralph's World's new album All Around Ralph's World and features some nifty animation from the Nick Jr. show Toot and Puddle. I particularly dig the butterflies.

Ralph's World - "The Great Outdoors" [YouTube]


Share: "Do The Potty Dance" - Ralph's World

I'll admit to being a little conflicted by the latest song from Ralph's World. I previously hoped that "Do the Potty Dance" would be better than the Rice Krispies jingle Ralph did. I think this new song is a wee bit better, if only because it manages to avoid mention of Pull-Ups. But if your kids have passed that stage, this wouldn't be your Number One choice.

I guess this would be the first song you don't want to play in the car for fear of triggering a Pavlovian response -- the whole point is getting them to wait to pee.

Anyway, if you want to download the song (and the video) you can go here or you can go here if you want to avoid Huggies and the greater Kimberly-Clark empire altogether.

Or if you have the urge, just watch below.

Do The Potty Dance! from Huggies Pull-Up's on Vimeo.


Share: "All About Bob" - Ralph's World

AllAroundRalphsWorld.jpgOne of my favorite tracks from the upcoming Ralph's World disk All Around Ralph's World is "All About Bob."

Want to share it amongst your family and friends to see if they agree with me? OK -- Bar/None Records is offering a free download of the track -- go here to download the mp3.

Tres catchy.


All Around All Around Ralph's World

AllAroundRalphsWorld.jpgYou may have seen the artwork for All Around Ralph's World, the latest album from, well, Ralph's World (natch), and Ralph's first for Bar/None Records.

But have you see the track list?

You haven't? Oh, well, then, you'll have to click through for details. Plus details on another new song from Ralph...

Tracklist, All Around Ralph's World

1. The Great Outdoors
2. My Magic Trick
3. Wiggle Your Lah-De-Dah
4. Easy Ryders
5. All About Bob [Ed: I've heard this and no, this isn't about the movie.]
6. All Around The World
7. Black Hole Boy
8. Blue Airplane
9. The First Time
10. Pickle Me Juice
11. Sally's Trip
12. Bubblegum
13. The Funniest Joke In The World
14. A Dog Named Bruce
15. The Robot Looked At The Stars
16. I'm Not Tired

As for the new song, you'll have to sign up for Pull-Ups' House Party, which apparently will be a nationwide set of potty-training parties on February 20 that will feature, among other things, Ralph Covert's "NEW" version of "The Potty Dance." (There was an old version?) This isn't Covert's first foray into company-sponsored music -- remember his Rice Krispies jingle? I totally understand the need to partner with big companies, but here's hoping the new song will have a replay value more along the lines of Golden Smog's "Corvette."