Sarah Lee Guthrie and Johnny Irion in Concert. This, er, Weekend.

I tend not to talk too much about my work bringing kids music to the Phoenix area here on the site, except in the occasional post-concert summary. After all, most of my readers are, well, not here. But I'm still putting together kids shows for the Children's Museum of Phoenix and the Church of the Beatitudes. (I'm working on other stuff, too -- perhaps one day I'll get to tell you about those as well.)
So even though my friends and associates here in Phoenix are aware of this show, I just wanted to note that I'm super-geeked about the concert I've helped bring to the Church of the Beatitudes this weekend as part of their Not Just for Kids concert series. It's Sarah Lee Guthrie and Johnny Irion, and they'll be doing a special family show this Sunday, April 11th at 2 PM. Tickets are just $10/person; $32/family. It'll be lots of fun, I promise. (And hopefully there will be video to share...)