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Entries in The JumpArounds (Fresh Beat Band) (9)


The Fresh Beat Band Is Fresh, I'll Give 'Em That Much

What's that, parents? Your kids want to watch yesterday's episode of Nick Jr's new show The Fresh Beat Band and you don't have a DVR?

Well, it's iTunes to the rescue -- they already have the 3 episodes shown yesterday and today (Stomp the House, Stick Together, Doggone It!) available for sale, just $1.99 each.

I'm guessing that a lot of regular readers won't care much about this, but I do think it shows just how quickly the TV landscape has changed in a few years. Jack's Big Music Show? Just 4 episodes on iTunes, the ones on the Let's Rock DVD. But now even these shows for kids are being treated like The Office.

Obviously, I think this is a great idea. Why should I have to wait for the next Biscuit Brothers DVD when I could download the episodes immediately from iTunes? But I've heard from assorted musicians that iTunes isn't necessarily the fastest in responding if your name isn't "Hannah" or "Montana." Makes me the think that finding the best independent music/shows for kids is a niche that Kidos could nicely carve out for itself. (But I still want my Biscuit Brothers on iTunes.)


You Have Less Than Two Weeks To Prepare for the Fresh Beat Band

That's right, less than two weeks until the premiere of The Fresh Beat Band, the new show from Nickelodeon that everybody has an opinion on.

The live-action show will premiere with back-to-back episodes on Monday, August 24, at noon ET/PT, followed by two weeks of new episodes Tuesday, August 25—Thursday, August 27, and Monday, August 31—Thursday, September 3, at noon ET/PT. You can already watch some videos at the Nick Jr. site, in the remote chance that your child isn't seeing enough promos on your actual TV. (Though they don't currently have "Stuck On You," a song which is almost tolerable for repeated adult listening. By "repeated," I mean twice. I have limits.)

Don't say I didn't warn you. Please plan accordingly.


Are The JumpArounds Getting A Bit Fresh?

I think it's safe to say that The JumpArounds have been, shall we say, a polarizing band. The comments on my original post about the band are about as vitriolic as comments around here get. (Based on the few minutes of minutes of video I saw, I didn't understand the vitriol on either side -- generally forgettable but not execrable music that held the promise of being very addictive to young kids.)

Well, I'm not sure you'll have the JumpArounds to KickAround anymore. Not because they're going off the air permanently, but because they're changing their name. A listing for a NYC Central Park SummerStage concert this Sunday lists a concert featuring DJ Lance from Yo Gabba Gabba! and some group called the Fresh Beat Band, a description of whom sounds very familiar...

Check out The Fresh Beat Band consisting of four best friends -- Marina, Kiki, Twist, and Shout -- who attend music school together and love to sing and dance. The foursome will star in an upcoming Nickelodeon TV series that teaches preschoolers about music appreciation and how to express their feelings through movement and song. Packed with hip, catchy songs, dynamic choreography, and clever storylines, the band will get the whole family singing and dancing.
OK, yeah, and the picture is identical, too.

And sure enough, WHOIS searches on and show that Viacom (Nick's corporate parent) registered those domain names just last week (and the JumpArounds site is pretty bare, promising new videos at some future point).

So perhaps it's time to steel yourself for a Fresh Beat Band onslaught. (Though I gotta tell you, snoozer of a name.)


The JumpArounds: Will They Make Your House a Pain?

JumpArounds.JPGWord from Nickolodeon today that they're going to be unleashing a new series on America this summer: The JumpArounds. What is the show? Well, it's a "new, original live-action comedy series that teaches preschoolers about music appreciation and how to express their feelings and emotions through movement, song and instrumental music." It focuses on best friends in a band (The JumpArounds) who attend music school together -- Marina (Shayna Rose), Kiki (Yvette Gonzalez-Nacer), Twist (Jon Beavers) and... wait for it... Shout (Thomas Hobson).

What it really is Preschool Musical, which is the title I so totally would have used based on the Viacom press release until I read Variety's article on the show, in which show co-creator and co-executive producer Nadine van der Velde used the phrase herself.

But I've seen a couple of the videos set to start airing on Nickelodeon and Noggin/Nick Jr. tomorrow -- "Go Go A Go Go" and "Great Day" -- and it's completely High School Musical down to the pop tunes which are harmless enough but certainly won't win any awards. But with its day-glo costume and sets and smiling stars, I guarantee you that your preschoolers run the risk of becoming addicted to the show. So I hope you like it.

How about JumpAround's Big Music Show for an alternative title -- is that taken? (It does make you wonder if this spells the end for Jack's Big Music Show -- it seems like one show about music is more than enough for any network.)

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