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    Entries in Nashville (2)


    Share: Steve Lee Sampler

    WhatDidYouDoToday.jpgA few years back, I was a little enchanted by What Did You Do Today, Steven Scott Lee?, the debut album from Nashville-based Steve Lee. Lee leaped right into the kids' music scene, got a bunch of his Nashville friends (they have a musician or two there), and recorded a bunch of incredibly catchy songs (along with a few skits). I called "Grab a Balloon" my favorite track, "quite possibly of the year", and the album made my list of top albums from 2007.

    Lee has been a little bit quiet on the kids' music front since then, though he's been keeping himself busy out and around Nashville and tour-managing some acts.

    Even better (from these admittedly biased quarters), Lee's been starting to play kids music around Nashville with a band he's put together called Yumza!. In talking with Lee, I'm pretty hopeful that the rest of the country will here the new songs pretty soon.

    In the meanwhile, use this widget to grab six of the songs (including "Grab a Balloon") from Stephen Scott Lee for the price of an e-mail and zip code. I promise you that you'll find at least a couple songs to love.


    Share: Music from Coal Train Railroad

    CTRRSwings.jpgWould you like some free music -- like, ten songs worth? Ten good songs worth?

    Then Coal Train Railroad would like to be of assistance.

    They've offered up ten free tracks from their three albums -- two from their self-titled debut (which I liked), two from their latest album Coal Train Railroad Swings! (which I liked a lot), including "I'm Diggin' Me," and the whole 6-song EP Live in Monophonarma, which includes their take on the Jellydots' classic "Bicycle."

    The price of all this swingin' jazz goodness?

    An e-mail (preferably yours, otherwise some other random person's gonna get the download code) and a zip code (again, preferably yours).

    If you're not familiar with the band, it's definitely worth it.