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    Entries in videos (58)


    Video: "Arctic Fox" - Elska

    I wouldn't say that a lot happens in this video for "Arctic Fox," from Elska's brand-new album Middle of Nowhere.  But is it cute?  Oh, but yes.  (If the fox looks slightly akin to those in the Wes Anderson film The Fantastic Mr. Fox, that's because Elska's slumber-disturbing canid was animated by Andy Biddle, who also worked on the movie.)

    Elska - "Arctic Fox" [YouTube]


    Monday Morning Smile: The Cats of Mars Meet the Toy Car

    It has been awhile since I've posted a Monday Morning Smile, but, y'know, I only post them when I find something worth sharing.  This 8-minute animated short from Sweden's Jacob Stalhammar has been dubbed into English, but the sound and look is retro all over the world.  The outer space theme gives it a bit of a Halloween feel to me.  It's lots of fun for any age -- make it a part of your own next personal animation festival.


    Video: "Robots on the Dance Floor" - RhymeZwell

    This, friends, is why you might want to consider a Kickstarter campaign to make your next video.  Because this video for "Robots on the Dance Floor," the lead single from RhymeZwell's second album Bigfoot Stomp, Kickstarted last year, looks fantastic.  It's funky and shiny, and as long as you don't think the ending has a little bit of a Terminator vibe, pretty happy.  (Like it? Kickstart the next video.)

    RhymeZwell - "Robots on the Dance Floor" [YouTube]


    Video: "I'm Thinking of an Animal" - Billy Kelly

    Billy Kelly and public television.  Now that's what I'm talkin' about, man!  He's a triple threat -- he sings, he draws, and he's willing to kiss a stuffed-animal giraffe on video.

    For this last component, we have public television station WXXI in Rochester, New York to thank for being crazy enough to agree to Kelly's proposal for a series of 1-minute videos based on his song "I'm Thinking of an Animal."  The song, from his 2011 disk The Family Garden, gets chopped up here into four segments -- I'm highlighting my favorite, but you can see all four at the link above.  Can I just say that I love, love, love Kelly Knox's Bucknell University Dancing Dancers?

    Billy Kelly - "I'm Thinking of an Animal (that's really tall)" [YouTube]


    Video: "Hiddi Hiddi" - Elska

    This is video (and music) as landscape and soundscape.  It's not much more than Elska saying "Hi!"  Which, apparently is what "Hiddi Hiddi" (from the album Middle of Nowhere, out Sept. 4) means on the Island of Elska.  Kinda hypnotic.  I dig.

    Elska - "Hiddi Hiddi" [YouTube]