Video: "Winter Beard" - The Pop Ups

I tell you, if this video from Steve Weeks for a brand new song of his, "Change of Heart," doesn't put a smile on your face, then I just don't know what to do with you. Once again, a reminder that simple videos -- as long as they're put together competently -- can be very effective.
Steve Weeks - "Change of Heart" [YouTube]
I think most observers would agree that Tim and the Space Cadets' "Superhero" video was one of the most stunning debut videos in modern kids music -- excellent tune, great production values, fun video all around.
So I wondered whether or not the long-in-the-making second video from the band for their new song "2nd Grade Show" (off Anthems for Adventure, out January 29th) would even come close to the impact of the first video.
Question answered: yes, mostly.
I think I like "Superhero" the song more than "2nd Grade Show," but in terms of the video itself, its scope and shininess, it's every bit its predecessor's equal. As someone who never watched the TV series Lost, I'm sure I missed 80% of the references to the show in the video, but I guess I'm proof that you (or your kids) can enjoy it even if you don't know your Hurley from your Smoke Monster.
Tim and the Space Cadets - "2nd Grade Show" [YouTube]
I'll have more to say on Elizabeth Mitchell's Grammy nomination for Little Seed: Songs for Children by Woody Guthrie anon, but in the meantime, Mitchell is celebrating with the release of her latest video from the album, for "Sleep Eye."
The track is one of Guthrie's lesser-known tracks, but it's a sweet lullaby, and the gorgeously-filmed video features lots and lots of babies. It's a pleasant little visual break.
Elizabeth Mitchell and You Are My Flower - "Sleep Eye" [YouTube]
This video from New Zealand band fleaBITE should amuse the kids and adults, particularly if they're listening to the lyrics. There might even be an inappropriate chortle or two, which would not be the first inappropriate chortle generated by the fine and mischievious folks behind the band (who also were responsible for Fatcat & Fishface). A very Seussian samba.
fleaBITE - "Hair" [YouTube]