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    Spring Songs (Updated)

    Spring is virtually here. (How do I know? My wife is sneezing All. The. Time. Poor woman.)

    As a result, it's time to update our list of spring songs. We did this initially about a year ago, but there's been a lot of music come down the pike since then.

    Because there aren't all that many songs that specifically take spring as their subject, what follows is a list of spring-ish songs. Flowers and bugs and a little rain. Songs with "Spring" in them. Rain isn't necessarily for spring alone, but we've gone without much rain this winter and spring and so it's a bit of wishful thinking. (Sadly, that sentence is copied directly from my post last year but is just as true.)

    I've added the new songs here.

    Raffi, "Robin in the Rain" (Singable Songs for the Very Young)
    Elizabeth Mitchell, "You Are My Flower" (You Are My Flower)
    Laurie Berkner, "In the Clouds" (Buzz Buzz)
    Elizabeth Mitchell, "Ladybug Picnic" (You Are My Sunshine)
    Lisa Loeb and Elizabeth Mitchell, "Butterfly" (Catch the Moon)
    Ralph Covert, "The Ants Go Marching" (from Songs For Wiggleworms)
    Dan Zanes and Dar Williams, "Wild Mountain Thyme" (Night Time!)
    Dan Zanes, "On the Sunnyside of the Street" (Rocket Ship Beach)
    --- new ---
    The Sippy Cups, "Springtime Fantastic" (Electric Storyland)
    Enzo Garcia, "Spring is Here" (LMNO Music (Green))
    Ryan Hipp, Kevin Kammeraad, and Friends, "Spring" (A Curious Glimpse of Michigan)
    Ralph's World, "Puddle of Mud" (Happy Lemons)
    Erin Lee & Marci, "Waiting For It To Grow" (Snowdance)
    Elizabeth Mitchell, "Pom Na Tu Ri (Springtime Outing)" (You Are My Little Bird)
    I'm sure I've missed some -- add your suggestions below


    The Jellydots LIVE at SXSW

    The Sippy Cups and Daddy-A-Go-Go went back to the late '60s in namechecking the past at SXSW this weekend. The Jellydots didn't go quite that far back. Think late '80s. Think rappers wearing large clocks.
    Doug Snyder threw a little Public Enemy (who apparently had quite the set at Auditorium Shores) into "Race Cars Go."

    A Public Enemy reference. At a kids' show. (But appropriate for kids, in any case. Not like he sings "911 Is a Joke" or anything like that.)

    Jason Molin, who wrote the reggae-fied "Lake Rules" the band recorded on Hey You Kids! also caught Doug and the crew doing "Mr. Cookie."


    KidVid Tournament 2007: "Pieces of 8ight" (1) vs. "Picnic in the Graveyard" (4)

    Our other matchup on Day Three of the KidVid Tournament 2007 pits the #1 seed in the Ella Jenkins Region, "Pieces of 8ight" (or "Pieces of Eight," for those of you not paying attention) from Captain Bogg & Salty against the #4 seed, "Picnic in the Graveyard" from Uncle Rock.

    Vote in the comments below. Rules: Video with most votes wins. One vote per e-mail address, please. Votes due by Tuesday 6 PM-ish East Coast time.

    [Note: Hey, I can embed both videos here, too! Thanks once again, Internet-friendly kids' musicians and labels!]

    "Pieces of 8ight" - Captain Bogg & Salty

    "Picnic in the Graveyard" - Uncle Rock


    KidVid Tournament 2007: "I Found It!" (2) vs. "Toenail Moon" (3)

    Our first matchup on the third day of KidVid Tournament 2007 pits the #2 seed in the Woody Guthrie Region, "I Found It!" from Brady Rymer against the #3 seed, "Toenail Moon" from Wee Hairy Beasties.

    Vote in the comments below. Rules: Video with most votes wins. One vote per e-mail address, please. Votes due by Tuesday 6 PM-ish East Coast time.

    [Note: Hey, I can embed both videos here! Thanks, Internet-friendly kids' musicians and labels!]

    "I Found It!" - Brady Rymer

    "Toenail Moon" - Wee Hairy Beasties


    KidVid Tournament 2007: Day 2 Recap

    Well, Day 2 of Zooglobble's KidVid Tournament 2007 is also in the books. Frances England's "Tricycle" (#2 seed) beat out Sir Jerry's "Bees, Butterflies and Bugs" (#3 seed), while in a small upset (a phrase I'd use with caution considering the relative lack of thought that went into the these) #3 seed AudraRox with "I Hope My Mama Says YES!" trumped Gustafer Yellowgold's "I'm From the Sun."

    Thanks to everyone who's voted so far. The next set of matchups will be posted Monday midday.

    And if you haven't yet voted for the as-yet-unfilled 16th video slot, go here and do so before Monday night. The competition is heating up.