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    Review: Sam's Rot'n Pot'n Pan Band - Sam's Rot'n Pot'n Pan Band

    SamsRotnPotnPanBand.jpgAs way of introduction to the self-titled 2005 debut from Vancouver, British Columbia's, Sam's Rot'n Pot'n Pan Band, I should note that Vancouver is my favorite city in the world. This is probably due to the fact that my dad was born and raised there and our not infrequent travels there as I grew up. One of my great memories of the city is going to Expo '86, Vancouver's World Fair. What I remember most about Expo '86 is the Shuffle Demons, a jazzy saxophone-driven band who, believe it or not, are still going strong (check out their Myspace page), but who, that summer, were still pretty much street musicians. I thought they were awesome.

    If Vancouver held its World Fair 20 years later (and I was maybe ten years younger than I was in 1986), I would hold Sam's Rot'n Pot'n Pan Band in the same regard.

    Their 34 minute album is, I suspect, less an album than it is a collection of their greatest hits playing at festivals and markets. (If they lived in the States, they could tweak their act to tour around the country at Renaissance Festivals.) "The Treasure Map," a 4-minute pirate story is pretty good on record, but I can totally imagine how captivating it might be live. Same with the jokey "Opera Man," which does earn bonus points for including a selection from "Carmen." Which isn't to say that there aren't some great standalone tracks here. The first track, "A Turtle Named Roy" covers the essence of turtles, memories of childhood, explanation of what a 45 is, and a celebration of one of the great voices in American pop records, and all in about three minutes. The next track, "Your Parents Eat Your Candy," is a rollicking blues reminiscent of the Boston band Morphine, and is a confirmation of every kid's suspicions about their parents. After those two tracks, the rest of the album suffers a little bit in comparison. (I should also point out "Accounting Singalong," though, which is nothing but a 30-second musical joke, but a pretty darn funny one.) The trio are adept with their instruments, and the semi-regular use of kids' voices is handled well.

    I think kids ages 3 through 8 are most likely to enjoy the album. You can hear samples (and buy the album, for those of you not lucky enough to live in Vancouver), at the band's website (follow the treasure map to "Samples," where you can also watch videos for "Treasure Map" that confirm my suspicion that the song would be awesome live).

    So there you go. It's an album that lists among the instruments "suitcase," "doodads," and (my favorite, and immediately obvious when you hear it) "handfarts." As a result, while I recognize that my affinity for the album may be clouded by other personal affinities, Sam's Rot'n Pot'n Pan Band is a collection of fun recordings that I suspect serves as a good souvenir of what must be a hoot-and-a-half of a performance. Recommended.


    Songs For Groundhog Day

    A last-minute collection of songs for Groundhog Day, a short-but-sweet list:

    "I Hog the Ground (Groundhog Song)" - Steve Burns / Steven Drozd: view the YouTube video for this awesome song here
    "Oh Groundhog" - Elizabeth Mitchell / Lisa Loeb: Off their Catch the Moon album, this is a pleasant and mellow little ditty
    "How Much Wood Could a Woodchuck Chuck?" - Danny Adlerman and Friends: It's not really a groundhog song, but this is a fun little ditty off their One Size Fits All disk that at least mentions groundhogs...


    Review: Mommy Says No! - Asylum Street Spankers

    MommySaysNo.jpgLongtime fixtures of the Austin music scene (with fans in the U.S. and abroad), the Asylum Street Spankers would probably rank low on the list of bands you'd expect to see turning out a kids' album. Any band that counts EPs entitled Dirty Ditties and Nasty Novelties as part of their discography clearly hasn't made their name by recording albums suitable for use in your kid's preschool.

    So it's not unreasonable to ask -- is Mommy Says No!, their first family-friendly kids album, really family-friendly or for kids?

    The answer is yes, sort of, mostly. The band, who have made their name playing a broad range of musical genres using acoustic instrumentation, apply that same formula to a more benign set of song topics. Learning to ride a bicycle ("Training Wheel Rag"), wondering about being an adult ("When I Grow Up"), or being afraid of the dark ("Don't Turn Out the Light") -- these are all standard subject matter for kids music. But rather than setting those topics to pop fare, they turn them into a swinging rag (with some killer fiddle), funky New Orleans brass-band strut, and a sweet pop tune interrupted by some "Thriller"-like vocals. Whatever the style, throughout the album, the band sounds great.

    What distinguishes the album from most in the genre is its winking sense of humor, which at times ignores the kids and aims straight at the parents and at times may give parents pause. More benignly is Christina Marrs' "Be Like You," a sweet little ditty with toy piano and a background chorus of the guys in the band sounding like SNL's old "Unfrozen Cavemen Lawyers." Wammo's "You Only Love Me For My Lunchbox" may have some of the more nervous parents in the crowd skipping for the next track as Wammo leads the rest of the band through a set of tongue-twisters that ends with one more apropos for the over-21 crowd. The band's bluegrass cover of Nirvana's "Sliver" is downright awesome, though lyrically ("Mom and dad went to a show / they dropped me off at Grandpa Joe's / I kicked and screamed, said please no / Grandma take me home") is hardly the paean to childhood a lot of parents want. (Whether kids appreciate the familiarity of the situation is another matter.)

    With all due respect to Trout Fishing in America's "Alien in My Nose," I shouldn't let this review go on without noting the best song about snot ever written, the wildly amusing "Boogers" -- it strikes the perfect balance between juvenile humor for the kids and sly references (Quiet Riot -- haven't thought about them for years) for the adults.

    So, I'm pegging the age range at between 4 and 9 years of age, though a couple of the songs on the 46-minute album do seem pegged somewhat above the 4-year-old mark. The album's been available at the Spankers' website since August 2006, but is getting a proper release next week. You can hear a medley of songs there or go to major internet retailers to hear snippets.

    In the end, sometimes the band is referred to as, simply, "The Spankers." Whether you think that's a particularly good or bad name for a band recording an album for kids will go a long way toward determining whether you like the album. Some mommies will say "no" to Mommy Says No!. A sizeable minority of families won't like it all. But I think most people who are reading this review here will find it a hoot, energetic enough and tuned into kids' lives for the kids, while entertaining for their elders. Definitely recommended.


    The Top 50 Kids Songs of All Time: Songs 36-40

    For those tuning in late...

    Songs 41 through 45
    Songs 46 through 50


    On to the songs...

    40. "The More We Get Together" - traditional: "Traditional," but when the single most influential kids music artist of all time starts his very first album off with this song, it's forever owned by Raffi. (Listen to a cheesy government-funded instrumental version here. Shudder. Or another version here. I'm not even gonna try it. Clear out your brains with a 30-second sample of the classic version here.)

    39. "Mr. Rabbit" - traditional: "Mr. Rabbit, Mr. Rabbit / You've been in my cabbage patch / Yes, my friend / And I ain't never comin' back / Every little soul must / Shine shine shine." Excuse me? What? That's, like, 3 non-sequiturs of a lyric. And somehow it's still catch and popular. (Sorry, no links. Johnny Keener's got a nice version on Elephants Over The Fence.)

    38. "Rainbow Connection" - Kenny Ascher and Paul Williams: This would be a lot higher on the list, but I tell ya, that key change halfway through is just a difficult one to handle. Kermit's version is classic, of course, but almost too banjo-y, if such a thing can be said to exist. I think I actually prefer the Dixie Chicks' version on Mary Had A Little Amp. (Watch Kermit on YouTube.)

    37. "My Hair Had a Party Last Night" - Trout Fishing in America: They've had a bunch of good songs ("Alien in my Nose" came close to making this list), but this is the one that's been covered a number of times already. "It started out friendly but there must've been a fight." (Listen to a sample of a live version here.)

    36. "Pig on Her Head" - Laurie Berkner: One great thing about Laurie Berkner is that she writes kids songs that parents can actually sing. Admittedly, she's writing for toddlers, so that's on purpose, but we still sing this song with our youngest and occasionally oldest kids. Great imagery. (Imagery illustrated by the Noggin video, which can be accessed on this page.)


    Review: A Curious Glimpse of Michigan - Hipp, Kammeraad, and Friends

    CuriousGlimpseOfMichigan.jpgI lived in Minnesota for a portion of my "tween" years (though they didn't call them that then), and not only do I still have the Minnesota-shaped cutting board from my seventh-grade woodworking class to prove it, I still remember spending a portion of fifth grade learning all about Minnesota.

    Now, I don't know if in these testing-crazed times states still spend time learning about their own states' geography and history, but in case the schoolchildren of Michigan no longer get class time to do so for their state, might I recommend A Curious Glimpse of Michigan? (See also here.)

    Based on the book by Kevin and Stephanie Kammeraad and Ryan Hipp, the album features 49 tracks from a lots of musicians including Hipp, the Kammeraads, ScribbleMonster, and Danny Adlerman. As you might suspect with so many tracks and so many musicians, the music here is all over the map stylistically and enjoyably. In spirit, it reminded me a little bit of They Might Be Giants albums, especially Apollo 18, which included a series of brief song snippets which could be played together as "Fingertips" or played randomly throughout the CD.

    Truth be told, the album might almost be worth the price just for ScribbleMonster's "I Wish I Lived In Michigan," 2 1/2 minutes of family-friendly power pop that, six months after I first heard it, I still haven't tired of. Almost makes me wish I lived in Michigan, just so I could say I lived in a state that inspired that song. (Wow, that song and Sufjan Stevens. Not bad, Michigan, not bad at all.) But beyond that, there are some other sweet tracks -- the funky "Over 635 Cities" channels Mike Doughty from Soul Coughing while Dany Adlerman & Friends' contribution "Cousin Jacks" sounds simultaneously early 20th and early 21st century. As for ScribbleMonster's "The Fur Trade?," they answer their own question ("Fur! Fur! Fur!"). And I liked the Schoolhouse Rock! blatant ripoff loving homage of "Capital City, Capitol Building."

    At over 61 minutes in length, the album is a bit too much to absorb in one sitting. Not that any of it's bad, it's just... long. But it (like the book itself) is a fun thing to dip into here and there.

    I think kids ages 4 through 10 will most enjoy the album. You can here samples of each and every 49 tracks at the album's CDBaby page or 4 complete tracks (including "I Wish I Lived In Michigan" and "The Fur Trade?") at ScribbleMonster's Myspace page.

    A Curious Glimpse of Michigan is a hoot to listen to, and -- dare I say it -- a little educational. It's fun regardless whether you live in Michigan, wish you lived there, or have only had a brief layover in Detroit. Recommended.

    (Note: Bill at Spare the Rock, Spoil the Child may still have a copy or two to give away.)