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    Big Stories for Little Ones - Rain For Roots

    I've heard quite a few albums of Christian music for kids.  I don't mention many of them here not for philosophical reasons (last fall's religious record roundup notwithstanding), but because they're often pretty uncompelling musically.

    This four-song sampler from the new quartet Rain for Roots suggests strongly that their forthcoming (May 15th) debut album Big Stories for Little Ones (based on the poems of Sally Lloyd-Jones) will be in the minority of musically worthy records.  Coal Train Railroad's Katy Bowser is part of the band, so there's a little bit of kids music background already, but singers Sandra McCracken, Ellie Holcomb, and Flo Paris sound like they're ready to jump in.  I don't think Ricky Gervais or Richard Dawkins will be downloading this, but I think Christians who dig this website will dig this.

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