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    Entries in free songs (3)


    "First Day" - The Board of Education

    Artist: The Board of Education

    Song: "First Day"

    Album: N/A

    Description: The braniac band's next album Binary is coming out late this month, they swear, but they've got a single for the first day of school just in time for, OK, 'round these parts it's, like, the fifth week of school, but I think there are still a few districts around the country respecting the no-school-before-Labor-Day rule.  A bit of a different sound, but still the mix of salty and sweet the band does so well.  They're the Kettle Corn of kindie.

    Source: Soundcloud / Bandcamp


    "Dip N' Flip (The Jacket Song)" - The Flannery Brothers

    The Flannery Brothers are very educational.  Here they are, writing a zippity, finger-snapping song that just happens to help kids put on their jackets.  It's a song so catchy it needed its own website. And video.

    But if you'd like, you may simply download the song for free below.


    "Roller Coaster" - Kira Willey

    Download the bouncy and movement-oriented "Roller Coaster" for free for a limited time from Kira Willey's latest album Kings & Queens of the Forest via the widget below or Willey's Soundcloud page. The track is a finalist in the Children's Music category of this year's International Songwriting Competition.