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Kids Music Worth Airing!
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    Entries in Los Angeles (5)


    Escalator - David Tobocman

    Artist: David Tobocman

    Album: Escalator

    Age Range: 4 to 8

    Description: Los Angeles-based Tobocman doesn't rewrite the kindie songbook on Escalator, his third kids music album, but adds at least a couple very good songs to it.  The title track is propulsive and a complete earworm, one of my favorite tracks of 2012.  "The Owie Song" features a goofy sing-along chorus that wouldn't have sounded out of place on Very Helpful Songs -- the song is silly but fun for all.  Several tracks ("Playin' on a Sunday," for example) have a wide-open SoCal feel that might see the parents having Eagles flashbacks, but Tobocman brings in other styles as well; Tobocman's musicianship is, as always, solid.  Listen to clips here.  Recommended.


    Sing Loud! - Melissa Green

    Artist: Melissa Green

    Album: Sing Loud!

    Age Range: Ages 5 through 9

    Description: A muscular guitar-pop album from the Los Angeles-based Green.  A lot of the songs ("Baby, I Love You," the title track) could fit on an album not targeted at the elementary school crowd.  Brooke Shields (who knows her way singing around Broadway tunes for adults) makes an appearance on a couple tracks.  In fact, the specifically kid-focused songs ("The Playdate" or "Heyo") are the exception, not the rule.  Even the classic "Free To Be... You and Me" gets a propulsive arrangement that makes the original sound a little... weak.  It's my favorite of Green's albums, and families looking for a kid-friendly album that doesn't necessarily always sound like "kids music" may find this fits the bill.


    It's Love - Ellen & Matt

    Artist: Ellen & Matt

    Album: It's Love

    Age Range: 4 through 8

    Description: The late-'60s/early-to-mid '70s references start with the cover art and continue on into the long-awaited second CD itself from the Los Angeles band.  Ellen and Matt Kennedy must have listened to more than a few Jefferson Airplane albums in their day, and Ellen's powerful voice carries rockers like the title track and "Playground."  This is not exactly a serious album -- the funky "Drive Thru" features the lyrics "Open the window / get ready to order ... / They take our order / they take our order / and then they take some time / to get us what we need."  And the biggest love song album is dedicated to the "Capybara."  But it's well done and for those families seeking a retro-sounding album of music of kindergarten-friendly themes, It's Love will be just, er, groovy.  Recommended.


    A Potluck - Lucky Diaz and the Family Jam Band

    Artist: Lucky Diaz and the Family Jam Band

    Album: A Potluck

    Age Range: 3-7

    Description:  "Bright and sugary like a treat from a Parisian patisserie... a neat collection of some very nifty songs that should end up in your kids' rooms (or iPods) and Diaz's best family album to date. Definitely recommended." / Full review


    A Little Love - Renee & Jeremy

    Artist: Renee & Jeremy

    Album: A Little Love

    Age Range: 0-5

    Review: "They're turning... songs into music of our collective childhood.... I'm pretty sure I would buy an album of the duo singing anything, including the happy hour menu at TGI Friday's.  I actually have a lot of love for A Little Love.  Definitely recommended." / Full review / Listen